Rebel is the voice of the Socialist Workers Network offering a strong and determined counter to the status-quo of mainstream journalism.


We stand in the revolutionary socialist tradition that seeks to uproot capitalism both here and internationally, to create a better, more equal, socialist world. There are a number of key propositions which the Socialist Workers Network promotes. These include the following:

  • That the liberation of working people must come through their own self activity. Socialism cannot be delivered by benign dictators, guerrilla armies or parliamentarians. It can only arise through people power and working class action. Countries that claimed to be ‘socialist’ in the past were no more than state capitalist dictatorships.
  • The current state serves the interests of a corporate elite. Behind every parliament lies an unelected bureaucracy that supports the rule of big business. Economic blackmail is also deployed to its demands. Given this, there can be no purely parliamentary road to socialism.
  • Revolutionaries are the best fighters of reform. We do not just wait for a revolution – we fight for every possible advance for working people. But the best reforms are those won in struggle. These add tot he confidence and political awareness of working people.
  • Workers are the key force for change. Social movements can protest, demonstrate and occupy – and we fully support these actions. But capitalism can only be overthrown by those who create its profit and wealth.
  • Socialists are to the fore in fighting all types of oppression. Capitalism does not just exploit workers – it develops structures that systematically oppress and discriminate. Socialists fight all forms of oppression’s including: Racism, Sexism, Transphobia and Homophobia. We support a woman’s right to chose, we oppose the direct provision system, deportations of asylum seekers and all forms of racist discrimination.
  • Opposition to militarism and imperialism. The relative decline in US economic hegemony has led to greater efforts to compensate through military strength and adventures. The EU is also developing as a dysfunctional imperialist bloc. We stand resolutely against all forms of imperialist domination and in solidarity with those who oppose it.

The path to becoming a serious revolutionary takes time and effort, the SWN commits to providing you with the necessary tools and community to develop your own positions as a Socialist and play a leading role in the class struggle across the 32 counties. Through our broad-church project in People Before Profit we are setting down radical roots to take Ireland from a deeply unequal and reactionary state to a genuine republic for working people. Join us today and help us build the fight for a Socialist Ireland!